Trading & Commercial Ventures (TCV) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MajuPerak Holdings
Berhad was established in the year of 2015. The business was entirely was
formed with the intention to offer specialized professional service premium
gift items to various business sectors le corporate bodies, IPTA/IPTS
bodies, SMI/SME companies and subsidiaries of the PKNP group of companies
and etc.
TCV has the capability to produce/supply various types of latest printing
methods and satisfy our clientele. Our dedicated team has continuously shown
their commitment to meeting client’s needs in terms of product quality, finishing
and timely delivery.
We provide consultancy services and produce festive hampers as well as gift packs for
Ramadhan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri for corporate bodies and VVIPs. Various versions of quality
gift boxes have been supplied to corporate bodies as staff gifts and VVIP gifts.
To ensure that we are kept abreast of the latest innovative designs as well as becoming “One
Stop Center”. TCV continuously explore new printing technology and source for quality
material products that meet the needs and budgets of the clientele.